September 10, 2014

Best Propositions Around Email Marketing - Purpose, Process and Precautions

8:41 pm - By blogger 1

There are quite a few ideas and perceptions about Email Marketing that are always relevant to many businesses. With growing business and communication trends, the impression about the marketing through emails has been maturing too. For any business to successfully establish themselves, they need to interact with their customers as often as they can. There is no by-passing route for communication and to be precise, it the targeted communication that really matters. 

Let’s look at the perceptions first – 

Is it an outdated idea? 

The revolution of digital media, especially the social media has somehow created an impression that Email Marketing has lost its sheen and possibly outdated. It’s not a true impression for a simple reason that marking through emails is an engaging initiative; where as social media is the core hygiene factor. Remember, customers always appreciate initiatives rather volunteering themselves. Initiatives like email communications are always considered as genuine efforts and when something is done consistently, they are meant to pay dividends. So, consistency is the key for Email Marketing. 

Why customers do not respond to email marking campaigns?

Always remember, customers do watch out to see what comes next. You may not get the best response for a single campaign for a simple reason that your customers probably are trying to figure out how you would follow-up on the idea you have proposed in your first e-mailer. You must be assured that if you have sent the right message to the right customer, it would be noted without fail. You may not get a response or even an acknowledgement; it only suggests you that you need to follow-up further.     

How to ensure a better email campaign? 

  • Firstly, you need to kick out the idea from your mind that it’s a kind of Bulk Emailing. It’s not; it is rather to be considered as targeted marketing. Targeted marketing would mean clear segmentation of all aspects - customer type, event or service to be promoted and the message to be delivered. These three important aspects are very significant and you need to package every email considering these three aspects.   
  • Secondly, do not send an e-mailer without an occasion that the targeted group is not identified with. When the occasion is right, you need to design the email in a way that it offers some substantial value to your customers. Your email can always have a ‘call for action’ of some kind or the other so as to expect your customers to respond with specific inquires.    
  • Make your customers to participate in activities such as polls, quizzes, opinion sharing and instant feedback. These options are to be integrated in the email based on which you can engage with the customers that will also help in gathering additional information about your customers. 
  • All email campaigns need not be focused on promoting your products and services. This is a common mistake by the companies trying to gain value through Email Marketing. If you want to gain value, you need to offer value first. Value is not only about sales, it has a great role to play through support, servicing and image building. 

There are few reputed service providers and software programs that can help you with the Email Marketing Process. Best caution has to be taken to ensure your email camping doesn’t end up in spam boxes.            

About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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1 comment:

  1. If you want to want to run a home based business, then it will be advantageous to use a mail forwarding address, to be able to establish business communication in a better way.


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