June 05, 2014

How to hide files in jpeg images

8:01 am - By blogger 20

Following these steps to do this trick

1.  Gather the file you want to bind, and also the image file, and place them in an exceedingly folder. 

I will be exercise C:\New Folder

  • The image can herewith be mentioned in all examples as xyz.jpg
  • Hide files in JPEG images

  • The file can herewith be mentioned in all examples as New Text Document.txt
2. Add the file/files you may be injecting into the image into a WinRar .rar or .zip. From here on this may be named as (secret.rar)

3. Open prompt by command prompt begin : Run - cmd

4. In prompt, navigate to the folder wherever your 2 files are by typing
cd location [ex: cd C:\New Folder]

5. type [copy /b xyz.jpg + secret.rar xyz.jpg] (remove the brackets)

Congrats, as so much as anyone viewing worries, this file sounds like a JPEG, acts like a JPEG, and may be a JPEG, yet it currently contains your file.

In order to view/extract your file, there are two options that you can take

(a) Change the file extension from xyz.jpg to xyz.rar, then open and your file is there

(b) Leave the file extension as is, right click, open with WinRar and your file is there

About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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