July 16, 2014

How to build your unique Facebook Profile

8:54 am - By blogger 0

To project yourself in the world of internet, Its very essential that your profile should be unique and attractive. A unique and attractive profile of yours will definitely invite lots of people to connect with you on the Facebook. If your profile is unique then it will be easier for you to connect with the strangers, influential people and with the friends of your friends. Your profile is the first basic foundation to increase your appearance and existence on Facebook.

Step 1: To become a jolly kid, you have to be friends with cool and jolly kids
jolly kid on facebook
I am a ...Mr Cool. 

When your friends are jolly and cool kids, then you are also cool and jolly. When you are jolly, then people will love to be your friends.
By creating a good Facebook profile, you will not be popular but powerful also. You should start sending friend request to cool and jolly kids to become your “friends”. But you will get the feedback that they don’t know you, but out of every ten cool and jolly kids, three to four will accept your friendship. You have to continue this process, until hundred influential people accept your friend request.

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Step 2: Don’t forget about your real friends/family members/peer group

how to keep in touch with friends on Facebook
keep in touch with friends and family

You are happy, as friends are in your list. But you shouldn’t let it go to your head. These influencers are busy, and are having lots of friends. They will really bother to read your profile or even like/comment on the stuff you post on the wall.
IN order to counteract this, you should have your real friends on Facebook, from family member to childhood friend, as they care about you.
You can find your real friends on Facebook by allowing Facebook access to your email account. This site will see the people with whom you communicate on a regular basis, and they will suggest you to add them as a friend.

Step 3: Don’t be shy and avoid hesitation

Don't be shy
Don't be shy

Try to build your profile thoroughly. Upload some of your pictures, write on your wall, and start writing on your friend’s wall. You have to be more social to perform well on your Facebook profile. Remember its asocial networking site, and you have to be more socialize.
You should use the following strategy
Be a regular poster on your wall –Always try to post something interesting that happens in your daily life. Use good quotes to go your Facebook post viral
Engage with your friends on your wall – When your friends will comment on your wall, and then try your best to respond them. This will let them to know that you care for them and what they have said you. Appreciate them, and remember no one likes talking to themselves.
Engage and respond to your friends – Everyday “like” at least one post of your friend, says, comments. Try to do these for the friends who typically don’t engage on your  wall, as it will encourages new people to interact with you on your
Don’t create enemies and rivalry – It’s very easy to create enemies with what you post on Facebook. You have tried hard to collect good friends, so why would you want them to lose your friendship. Avoid posting religious, political things on Facebook. Don’t try to hurt emotional and mental feelings of any of your friends or in public.

Step 4: All friends are not created equal

add a valuable contact on Facebook
Making Friend list

Instead of just accepting anyone that you know, you should be a bit scientific as Facebook limits your profile to 5,000 friends.
Little is the step of big – Although it’s wise to be friends with a few influencers, your goal shouldn’t be to friend them all.
Go worldwide –Try to build your friend list globally

Step 5. Self Promoting

Self Promote your business on Facebook
Self Promotion on Facebook

Always try to self promote your business. Don’t be ever afraid to let others know that what you are doing with your business. It will help to increase the traffic of your customer


Stop wasting time. Be extrovert to build up your Facebook presence. It doesn’t matter in what business, career path and venture you are, you can always use your Facebook profile to promote it.
And if you are one of those people that think Facebook is a time passer, think again. It’s the second most popular website on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what you think. You have no choice but to be on it.

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About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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