July 22, 2014

8 Resume Mistakes Never Try To Make

5:08 pm - By blogger 2

“Résumés are the most influential and powerful tool for career search. If your resume is well prepared in a very systematic way, then your Resume will tell your story and about your talent and caliber.
The resume is an integral part of hiring for the professionals and career builder. After an enhanced growth in technology and science, job professional search job openings and in this Resume plays a very vital role in the process of hiring.

8 Resume Mistakes Never Try To Make

Barrett-Poindexter has highlighted the most common resume mistakes and also has advice about how to avoid it.

1. Avoid Grammatical Errors and Typos

Grammatical Errors Demonstrations Pic 

According to a 2013 CareerBuilder survey, 58% of employers identified résumés with typing as one of the top mistakes that can lead to the condition of dismissal for the candidate.
In this knowledge world, there is no excuse for the grammatical errors. Common errors, misuse of words, words spelled incorrectly. Don’t only rely on spell check, but always have a second eye on your resume after you have reviewed it yourself.

2. Giving Incorrect Information

Incorrect Information in Resume 

This may seem obvious, but if you provide simple details wrong, then your resume will toss into the reject pile, fast.” When you provide incorrect information as incorrect phone number down or mess up your job titles or dates, it will make your resume cumbersome and haphazard.
Even if you succeed in the interview stage, the incorrect information will come out eventually, and this can land you into trouble. A wrong phone number can easily be called and a job title can be verified by the former employer.

3. Giving Everyone the Same Résumé

Giving Everyone Same resume example

This can be surprising for some job seekers, but always remember your, resume is not one size and doesn't fit in all jobs. “No two roles are alike” always remember this phrase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Says Hargett.
Career builder survey has concluded that 36% of employers found resumes that are too generic and that can cause dismissal of a candidate. Always remember not to send similar resume to multiple employees; always try to make your resume a surprise.
A personalized and planned résumé is focused to the target audience’s needs.

4. Getting Too Elaborate With Formatting and Style

Elaborate Formatting Example 
“Formatting is a key,” according to Hargett. Don’t ever try to make your important points with irrelevant fonts and graphics as it can distract the reader. Your important qualification should be in the bold font with italics, use of bullets and the size of the font should be of the same shape and size.
“And make sure your résumé style goes with your qualification and skill. It should have clean lines and a different font color to highlight job titles. Boring language should be always avoided; an example using the word ‘Developed’ over and over can put your reader into sleep. You should maintain creative sentence in your language.

5. Avoid vague writing

Vague Writing Sample

You’ll never be successful in your endeavor with a vague Resume. Use of too many vague words in the resume can knock out the game. Lots of vague sentences can make employer confused about what you have achieved up till now.

6. Omitting Exact Dates

Omitting exact dates of employment can raise suspicion in employers and make it look like the job seeker is trying to hide something insignificance. Career builder survey found that, 27% of employers identified resumes that don’t include exact dates of employment and this is the one of the most common resume mistake.

7. Not Including Skills

Skills add example 
A list of hard skills on your resume and examples of how you put those skills to use in previous positions is a great way to stand out from the pack of boring resume.
Rather than making a “skills” section, always try to weave your skills into the profile/summary and in a resume achievement section.

8 Use of an Objective Statement

Objective Statement Sample 

According to current trend, the use of an objective statement is on the verge of extinction and in some countries it has completely gone. It is because, it shows a dry and monotonous way and its focus is completely on the candidate himself- for career advancement, rather than how he can solve problems of the potential employer.

About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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  1. Great tips, number 3 tip is very correct avoid giving same resume to all. I think we should first know the company requirement for the suitable post and edit our resume as per it, this would surely beneficial for getting your resume select.

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