July 25, 2014

7 Critical SEO Mistakes That You Should Avoid For Your Website

8:03 pm - By blogger 11

Website is the key to your good and beneficial business. Websites are no longer a luxury item, but they are now a necessity for businesses in almost all industries in order to maintain your competition. To compete in this world of IT, websites owners are using aggressive marketing technique, which in turn harm their website visibility in search engines rather than to help out. Take a look below, if you are making any of the mistakes.

Avoid 7 SEO Mistakes

1. Keyword Over-Optimization

Prior to the release of Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithms, overuse of keywords (commonly referred to as “keyword stuffing”) was a common procedure. But now a day’s search engines are more complex, and Google is always tweaking its algorithms to reward high quality content and discard low quality content and also manipulates the algorithm.
It’s not advisable to stuff page with Keywords for its higher ranking, as it will lead to negative consequences for your website. This tactic is identified by Google’s Panda algorithm, and the website may be particularly removed from Google’s search engine.
It is important that a page should have keywords for which you want to rank, and also related keywords. Over use of the keywords can lead to backfire by the Google. Well related Keywords are LSI Keywords and long-tail keywords.

2. Insufficient, Infrequent and Irrelevant Content

Previously websites content were short and sweet. But recently, there has been a trend among search engines to prefer pages with long, in-depth, informative content. When page with less content is encountered by the Google, then page is of lower quality or content is considered “thin”, which leads to less visibility in search result.
In order to ensure that your website is best and in competition with today’s IT world, then ensure that you publish only valuable, relevant and informative content. Particularly long –form articles which has images, proper text formatting, and even video embeds leads to higher ranking in Google search engines. Google always wants to display content in its search that people love to read.
Always take a closer look of your content, and ask your dear ones to read your content.

3. Unnatural Link Building

Never try to build unnatural link building. Unnatural link building can cause devastating penalties on your websites. Google is very particular about buying links, and if simply put in your website can lead to penalty by the Google.

4. No Proper Plan

You should have proper plan before marketing of your website. A good and successful website business, or brand should continuously evolve, and the best way to do that is through a strategic content marketing campaign. Content marketing is regarded as the “New SEO” by the experts and for a good reason.
Fresh quality content always helps to achieve higher search engine rankings, and also builds brand authority, credibility, and awareness along with the targeted audience.

5. Absence of Social Media

Social media has become very prominent now a day. It has become very vital for businesses and online marketing to ensure that your business have a social media presence.
In addition to social media channels, you should have platforms linked to your website, and vice versa. Today our world has become technology savvy and the consumers simply rely on the internet for business of al types. So, if you don’t rely on social media presence, then you could be losing your valuable customers, especially if your competitors are also engaging on social media.
Social media helps you to build an unique way to create buzz about your business and grow and engage your audience.

6. Duplicate Content- A Nightmare

“Content is King” is a very famous phrase, and this is no less true today than it was 10 years ago. A high rise in content marketing, content has become even more important for boosting search engine ranking, along with a host of other benefits such as branding and audience building.
It is imperative to publish your unique content that has not been published anywhere. If you copy some one’s content by unethical way than it can harm your site search engine rankings. Always remember publishing duplicate content is a very risky affair.

7. Ignoring Local Search Demands and Trends

Approx 30 percent of searches which was conducted on Google particularly focused on a specific geographic location. Local search is a very crucial element of any SEO plan for business along with the physical location to which customers go. Many websites owner over look local search, instead they preferred to national search, which is more competitive and takes a lot of effort to pop up your content on search engine.


To manage your business, along with your website is time consuming. As there are lot of changes in the SEO industry everyday, it’s difficult for business owner to have a clear idea of what to do, when the issue of campaign arises. It is easy to understand now that why business owners commit these mistakes, due to bad information floating around the internet.
Hopefully, this article throws light on the things to avoid, as well as the tactics and techniques which are beneficial for your website.

About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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