February 26, 2014

How to Connect Two Different Networks On One LAN Card Through One Network Cable

10:52 pm - By blogger 1

Ethernet (LAN Card) is a main device in computer to access or connect with any network. As we know simple Ethernet card would be implemented with single RJ-45 Port so we can only attach single network cable but if we have router/switch we can easily connect and access two different network at same time.

LAN card

Lets Start with this example

Suppose we have two different Network on single Network Cable

Two Different IP Addresses Series 

In example we can see two networks IP Addresses with different DNS and Gateways. Now learn that all steps to implement this in one LAN Card

After understand Network Structure, Now we proceed to learn all steps to configure this network on local PC.

1. Open "Network Places / Network from desktop

2. Right click on Network Connection  and click on "Properties".

3.Select ( TCP/IP 4) and after click on " Properties" tab.

Network Connection Properties

4. Now manually Add " IP addresses to configure both networks.

add manually ip addresses

As we were choose both Networks IP Addresses, add them same like above pic and after that click on "Advanced.." tab to configure second IP Address series.

5. Now click on "add" to enter second Network IP address:-

Add Second Ip address

6. Add  Second Network IP Address and Subnet Mask and apply to click on "Add" tab, Now just click "ok" "ok" to exit from panel.

Second IP Address Complete Demo

Thats it Now you will be able to access both network. If you have any problem or confusion please feel free ask me through comments. 


About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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