December 26, 2013

how to lock a folder with password

2:23 pm - By blogger

 The solely viable resolution is storing this content in an exceedingly parole protected folder so that only those individuals knowing the parole of the folder will access it. There are many folder protection programs on the market online however the problem is that almost all of the nice ones are paid. albeit you are doing manage to get a good free one, you will be checked out suspiciously when individuals see a folder locker in the list of your installed programs.

                                                    Lock Folder Windows

If you too end up in an exceedingly similar situation, you'll try Folder protector, a parole protector for Windows folders that's not solely free however is also transportable that means that it does not need to be installed. simply click on the exe file and the program will begin running. I actually have created this program supported suggestions and have requests that I actually have received by email over the last two years.
Folder protector offers every user a protected folder that can solely be opened by getting into the parole in Folder Protector. unlike most security programs, Folder protector is small in size (nearly 58KB) and does not show the folder that it is protecting. this gives an extra advantage that people United Nations agency do not know the parole don't have a target to try and hack their way into. because the software system is transportable, you'll hide it or maybe delete it when protecting your folder and no one will have a clue that it absolutely was used. Then whenever you wish to access protected files, you'll re-download the program from this page, enter the parole and access your protected files.

How to use Folder Protector?

When you run Folder Protector for the first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to use. Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected folder.

Lock Folder With Password

After entering the password, the program will open a folder named SecuredFILES. This is your protected folder. You can add all your private files in this folder. This folder is located at the Desktop. After adding all your files, you may close this folder.

Then, you can use the menu in the program to lock your folder. To lock the folder, type lock as your action. After successfully locking the folder, FolderProtector will display that the folder is locked.

Free Folder Lock

Unlocking the protected folder is easy. Just type unlock as your action. Then the program will ask you to enter your password. Upon successfully entering the password, the program will display the contents of your protected folder.

Changing the Password: Just type change as your action. The program will ask you for your current password. Upon successful entry of the current password, the program will ask for your new password and change it instantly.

Acknowledgment: This software has been made possible only through the suggestions of readers of this blog, especially Ernell Albert Galido for his idea of using a menu based interface.

Windows Compatibility: This program has been successfully tested on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

About the Author

Bally Uppal is a Fouder Of Uppal 2 Tech. He is a Web Desiner, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, Pro Blogger and Social Media enthusiastic. Follow me Uppal2Tech
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